Republic Bank Relationship Officer Terrianne Stanislaus talks about the options for persons who have lost their jobs during this time of COVID-19. She discusses creating new revenue streams, prioritizing needs, speaking to their financial advisors, setting up appointments and other related issues.
The Public is hereby notified that in keeping with changes in international oil prices and Government’s application of the modified market pass-through petroleum pricing mechanism, the retail price of gasoline, diesel, LPG 20, 22 and 100 lb cylinders has changed. The retail price of kerosene remains unchanged. The price changes take effect from Monday, July […]
On Tuesday, July 14, 2020 Saint Lucia recorded a positive case of COVID-19. The individual is a 27 year old male, a returning national who arrived in Saint Lucia on Friday, July 10, 2020. Upon arrival, he was tested and placed in institutional quarantine. Upon receipt of the results, the individual have been transferred to […]
Vieux Fort Comprehensive Secondary School All parents and guardians of the incoming Form One students are asked to report to the Vieux Fort Comprehensive Secondary School for registration on Wednesday 15th July 2020 from 9 am to 11 am. In an effort to maintain social distancing ONLY parents/guardian should come to the registration exercise. Students […]
Tourism minister convenes emergency meeting to better streamline Saint Lucia’s tourism relaunch. Minister with responsibility for Tourism, Information and Broadcasting, Culture and Creative Industries- Honourable Dominic Fedee, convened an emergency meeting on Sunday July 12, with Tourism Officials and Management of all approved COVID-19 Certified accommodations open for business during phase one, to better streamline […]
Booklist Collection Date Parents of students attending the Entrepot Secondary School are advised to collect their child’s booklist on the following days: July 14th, 2020 between the hours of 9 am & 12 pm July 15th, 2020 between the hours of 10:30 am & 12 pm, July 16th, 2020 between the hours of 9 am […]
The Administration and Staff of the Castries Comprehensive Secondary school would like to congratulate all successful students who sat the 2020 Common Entrance Exams. We would like to inform you that Registration Day for new Form One students is Tuesday 14th July, 2020 Time: 9:30 am Venue: School’s Auditorium What should you have with you? […]
As a result of the discontinuation of the curfew effective July 10th 2020, The National Emergency Management Organization wishes to inform all pass holders that effective Monday 13th July, 2020 the issued passes are no longer valid.
New protocols include mandatory COVID-19 pre-test within 7 days of travel, exemptions for visitors traveling from designated ‘Travel Bubble’ and pre-arrival online registration. Following a reassessment of travel protocols based on market conditions, The Government of Saint Lucia will introduce several new and updated protocols for arrivals from July 9, 2020. Travelers will be required […]
On Thursday, July 2, 2020 Saint Lucia recorded three positive cases of COVID-19. The individuals are a 44 year old female, a 32 year old male and a 36 year old female; all returning nationals who previously worked on cruise lines. Upon return to Saint Lucia in June, they were all placed in institutional quarantine […]