Saint Lucia’s Prime Minister Tests Negative for Coronavirus On Tuesday March 17, 2020 the Ministry of Health was informed that the Prime Minister Honourable Allen Chastanet was experiencing a mild cough following recent travel history to Miami for medical attention and in an abundance of caution he had opted to place himself into voluntary quarantine. […]

Press Release from The Royal Saint Lucia Police Force The Royal Saint Lucia Police Force wishes to inform the general public that with immediate effect, NO mass crowd events or other social gatherings, will be approved by the Office of the Commissioner of Police, or any other designated authority. Permission for all previously approved activities […]

On March 15th, 2020 the Government met with the Private Sector and Union Officials after confirmation of a second case of COVID-19 on the island.

Saint Lucia extends travel restrictions on travellers and prohibits entry of cruise vessels In an effort to restrict the likelihood of introduction of COVID-19 into the Saint Lucian population, the Department of Health and Wellness on February 4, 2020 put in place travel restrictions on non-nationals with a travel history within the last 14 days […]

The Bankers Association of Saint Lucia has been monitoring the global and regional developments as it relates to the novel Corona Virus (COVID-19) and we continue to do so with heightened awareness following the announcement of Saint Lucia’s first COVID-19 case on Friday March 13th, 2020. We wish to reassure customers that all our Members […]

As per instructions from the Ministry of Education, classes at the Sir Arthur Lewis Community College will be suspended as of Monday, 16th March, 2020. However, instruction will be provided via various online platforms. We urge you to monitor the College’s website, social media pages and your SALCC email accounts for further information from the College and your respective lecturers. We also encourage […]

CXC Statement on Examinations Administration for May/June 2020 in view of COVID-19 The Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC®) takes note of the developments concerning COVID-19 in general, and its impact on the CARICOM region in particular. Accordingly, CXC convened a meeting with representatives from the Ministries of Education to discuss the administration of the regional examinations […]

On Saturday, March 14, 2020 Saint Lucia recorded a second case of COVID-19. The patient is a fifty-three (53) year old male with an active travel history with France being his last port of departure. The patient arrived in Saint Lucia on Wednesday, March 11, 2020 in the company of colleagues. He entered into our […]

In an effort to mitigate the effects of COVID-19 and reduce the potential for transmission, the Department of Education, Innovation and Gender Relations, on the advice of the Ministry of Health, wishes to inform that ALL educational institutions on island will be closed from Monday 16th March 2020 until 13th April 2020. This coincides with […]

Statement from The Marian Home “In light of all the information we have received concerning the Coronavirus (COVID 19), The Marian Home has decided to CANCEL the POVERTY MEAL scheduled for Sunday, March 15, 2020 at Coubaril. We thank you for your support. All funds raised front donations and tickets already sold will go towards […]

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